EOTO Reflection- Instant Messaging

   In class, I was able to listen and learn from other people's presentations, and the one I connected to the most was about instant messaging. Instant messaging or IM is a form of communication through texts. Growing up in the age of technology, IM is the form of communication that I use the most. That is why I was interested to learn more about it. 

  I learned that it was invented in 1971 by Murray Turoff for the government. It was originally planned to be used to aid the government in times of emergencies. Fast forward, and AOL is the first company to successfully commercialize instant messaging. They were a web service that also used email. However, the first time instant messaging was released in the same format we know and use today was in 2002. Apple released that. It is currently discontinued, but it allowed people to communicate in real-time from anywhere. Now they use iMessage. 

   Since the invention of instant messaging, it has created 47.92 billion jobs. Billions of people around the world use it every day, and it is my and many other's main way of communicating. 
