My Top Five News Sources


With newspapers increasingly losing sales, people are moving to different news sources; these are mine.

1. NPR Up First 

My go-to news source is NPR, more specifically NPR Up First. It is a daily podcast that goes over 3 current events. I like it because it usually is no longer than 15 min. It keeps me updated on what is happening around me in a podcast form. I like to listen to the episodes as I'm getting ready for the day. It is a way for me to be informed of current topics in an easy way. It is nice because I can access the episodes directly through Spotify, an app I use daily.

   2. The Washington Post

When I want to know more about a current event from a trusted news source, the first place I go is The Washington Post. I like the Washington Post because they do a great job at explaining complicated subjects in an easy to understand way. In addition, it feels unbiased (as unbiased as you can be in today's climate), and I trust the journalist's research.

3. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Now this one is a little bit more fun. John Oliver is a comedian with a late-night talk show; however, he uses his show to inform his audience of a topic that needs to be changed. Oliver's team chooses a relevant topic and does a deep dive to fully understand; what the problem is, who is involved, how it became a problem, and how it can be changed if not fixed. Then John Oliver will deliver the research for a topic in an engaging way. This show is my favorite news source because it is as informative as funny. It is a perfect example of how to tell news with humor in an appropriate way.

4.     Instagram

While it might not be the most trustworthy or unbiased news source, it is the one I use the most consistently. I am on Instagram for more than 2 hours every day, if not more. I have constructed my online profile on Instagram and am connected with other friends. More often than not, I hear about a story first on Instagram. I recognized that it is not the most trustworthy site, so I always check another source to see if it is correct before sharing what I've learned. I mainly get news about celebrities and what they are doing or saying.

5.  Snopes

When I want to know if something I've heard is true or not, I go to Snopes. Personally, I think it is the best website to find out if something is true or not. "Fake News" is circulated throughout all media sides, and sometimes, it is impossible to identify false information. But, it is also helpful because if something is incorrect, it'll tell you the true story and what actually happened. 
